Monday, May 14, 2007

don't be shy*

i know we all run around our kitchen looking like this everyday, but i hope you took a day to relax for Mothers day!
And boy oh boy, its RAKin' time again!!
this one is HUGE.
its for the premiere of SCRAP IN STYLE TV!!!!
there has been a ton of behind the scenes stuff in the works and in 1 short day (monday at midnight CST) it will be open for everyone to enjoy.
seriously, you are gonna love it here.
so fresh and so clean clean.

so don't mind the bad coloring in this picture, its late here..oops.
and be sure to check out the fashionistas over <<<---------------------------------- for loads more Rak's. surfs up! On tuesday, be sure to sign into SISTV for JJ's giveaway of our first kit! you don't want to miss this baby, being that Kelli Crowe has made specialty papers just for this kit..aaaaaaahhhhh!

for funs and this yummy raK of mine, lets play "i always"
i'll start it off....

* i always have a messy scrap area.
* i always put laundry off until the last minute.
* i always kiss my husband before he goes to work.
* i always tickle my kids.

what do you always do?


Fauve Design said...

I always look at my son when he watches tv.

I always scrap at night.

I always forget everything when i am pregnant :D

Big woohoo for the SIS girl!

Anonymous said...

(Congrats on SIS!)
I always worry about everything...
I always love to learn something new...
I always get on the computer when I'm s'posed to be doing homework...
I always get anxious thinking about when we will get married and start having babies (I can't wait!)

PROLIX said...

Help/Aidons Madeleine Mc Cann :

{ThE fReNcH tOuCh}
ze artsy english-français blog

Anso said...

Good luck with your new Scrap In Style Design Team!! :)

Can't wait to see it!! :)

I always: tidy up after each layout.
I always: check my e-mails as soon as I wake up.
I always: visit lots of blogs every day.

Take care :)


Anonymous said...

I always check my emails
I always wash my hair
I always love a cappuchino

Kelley said...

I always leave dinner to the last minute at night and then wish i had gotten it started earlier
I always get distracted by the computer way too easy!
I always love night time once the kids are in bed - i get to surf the net and scrap
I always have to watch greys anatomy every week - i cant miss it!!
Huge congrats on SIStv!! Cant wait to see it!! How exciting!!

Brigitta said...

I always turn on the computer before anything else
I always find excuses why my weight won't go down
I always want to start my Italian lessons but never get around to doing it

D@nielle said...

I always put off my dutch dare assignment till the last day ...
I always have to watch what I eat...
I always go to bed too late

Can't wait until tommorow !

Sophia said...

I always watch my daughter when she sleeps.

I always get inspired to scrap late at night.

I always have porridge brain when pregnant, which is now.

I always never tidy up after a layout.

This was fun...

Petrina McDonald said...

...i always sneak in and feel my kids' breath on my cheek before I go to bed at night....

Can't wait to see SIS TV go live!

Petrina :)

Ilka said...

I always procastinate when it comes to housework
I always enjoy spending time with my friends
I always dislike cleaning the toilet.. I dont know anyone who doesnt;p

Anonymous said...

I always check my emails...all day long.
I always read the daily paper.
I always stand and look out the window each morning.
I always take my pills.
All the best on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

I always tell my kids I love them before they go to school.
I always feel like I'll never be caught up on doing laundry.
I always forget an item when putting away my Christmas decorations.
Good luck with your new endeavor-
Susan B.

Anonymous said...

I always wake up my daughter for school
I always give my daughters a kiss goodbye
I always check my daughter's schoolback
I always read different blogs everyday.

Fran Heupel

Jennifer said...

I always tell myself that I will get my closet clean.

I always say I'm going to get rid of the old scrap stuff that I don't use anymore.

And then I always wonder why I say either of those things.

Vee said...

love your new banner!!
i always stay up way to late
I am always usually late
I always clean my house before going on holiday
I always hug my children

Sara Berry said...

I always am on this computer.
I always stay up too late.
I always read your blog!

Anonymous said...

I always spend too much time blog surfing in the morning!

I always need a cup of tea to start my day.

I always tease my kids too much.

I always buy stuff for my scrap stash, but I don't always actually scrap that much.

I always get distracted by bright shiny objects when I am out running errands.

Anonymous said...

I always kiss my husband first thing every morning before I get out of bed.

I always am laughing with my children.

I always tell my husband and kids that I love them.

I always scrap during naptime.

I always seem to put off cleaning...

Beth H

Carrie said...

I always have a diet pepsi as soon as I get up. And I always have a messy scrap room.(but I usually know right where everything is.

Anonymous said...

I always say I'm not looking at blogs anymore so I can scrap but here I am....
I always drink 2 cups of coffee in the morning.
I always email or IM my mom every morning.

Anonymous said...

I always have hot chocolate in the morning.
I always do the dishes right away - but forget about the laundry. :)
I always hug my family, every chance I get.

Can't wait for SISTV!

Misty said...

I always check my fav blogs in the morning.
I always put the dishes off til later.
I always shop for scrap supplies even though I've got a ton!
Thanks for the RAK! Can't wait til tomorrow!

Emily said...

I always start my day with a hot strong cup of coffee.
I always clean up my scrap area after working on something. (It's a sickness.)
I always tuck my children in bed with a kiss on the forehead even though they are too old for it.

Unknown said...

i always think about calling friends but never do
I always curse at everybody when i drive...
i always do my bed before i leave the house in the morning


Unknown said...

i always find scrap inspiration late at night

i always hang out on the 'net too much

i always sing my kids a "tuck song" when i'm tucking them in

Lisa said...

I always watch 90210 reruns
I always fast forward thru the boring parts of Days of Our Lives on my DVR
I always make a mess when I scrapbook
I always worry too much

Juel said...

I always have coffee in the morning.
I always wear sweats first thing in the morning.
I always hate folding and putting away my laundry.

Anonymous said...

I always have piles sitting in my scrap area!

I always wait till the last minute to do lots of things.

I always stay up way too late.

I always sit at the computer in the morning with my coffee.

I always kiss my kids goodnight!

Holly W

Emine_Pala_Art_22 said...

I always cry when I watch a emotional movie
I always scrap at night (every night and I have 2 babies Imagine that LOL)
I always have a cigarette in my hand (need to quit though)
I always keep checking your blog ;)
I always DREAM, (and my dreams are REALLY BIG believe me lOL)
I always want to win rak's...

I can keep on for ours LOL


amber said...

I always snooze the alarm clock too many times.

I always forget my camera. :(

I always check my email and read blogs in the morning.

I always try to get Payton to scrap with me, so that I don't feel guilty about scrapping too much. ;)

I always over analyze things way too much.

Congrats again, girl on the SIS. Can't wait to see the goodness. Hope your mother's day was wonderful.

staceyfike said...

i always stub my toes
i always check bloglines first thing of the morning
i always drink my coffee black

Anonymous said...

Hiya there...
I always kiss my kids goodbye
I always make a mess of my dining room when I scrap!
Good luck with SISTV!
~Tammy in Michigan

mindakms said...

I always want to be able to say there are some things I always do, but really, I'm far too flaky for such consistency.

How about, I always want to live each day as if its my last?

Anonymous said...

I always turn on my computer when i am home.
I always am short off time
I always drink coffee after dinner.
I always love to meet my friends!

Dale Anne Potter said...

Am so looking forward to SIS TV!!!

I always make my own cards.
I always am working in my studio.
I always read my email with my morning coffee.

Tanya said...

I always say "I'm gonna go to bed earlier", but don't.

I always put bubbles in baths, even when I run one for my hubby.

I always thank God for my family.

(Looking forward to the new SISTV site. I won't be going to bed early tonight!)

Kellie said...

Hmm, good question...

I always make sure I tell my loved ones how much they mean to me

I always try to get up each morning at the same time

I always listen to the same cd to put myself to sleep at night

I always try to focus on the positive

I always try to be a better person than what I am today...

Best of everything with SISTV! I can hardly wait to see what you ladies have in store for us! :)

Anonymous said...

I always laugh - everyday

Kimber-Leigh said...

i always tell my husband to drive safely before he goes to work.
i always have a cup of hot tea at some point during the day.
i always check my email.
i always love a good romantic comedy.
i always can come up with a good excuse for ice cream!

Jamie said...

i always get nervous while driving

i always stress about everything

Barbie said...

I always have to kiss my baby on the head when i pick him up

I always have to talk to my mommy everyday

I always have to watch Judge Judy if I am home

Congrats on everything =)

Francine said...

I always wake up late
I always have coffee

I always wish I would scrap more every day
I always get lost online. lol

You're killing me with the Jack Johnson! Love him!

Jen Harrison said...

I always clean my scrap area after a layout putting everything back in its place.

I always carry my camera everywhere i go.

I always check email and blogs with a bowl of cereal when I wake.

I always watch GH, everyday, off the DVR of course-no commercials.

Anonymous said...

I always tell my mum I love her.
I always spend far too much time on people's blogs!

Creating Memories said...

I always have pictures waiting to be scrapped.
I always clean the house before leaving...ever since it's been on the market.
I always love to hear my daughter's voice when she wakes up in the morning.

Anonymous said...

I always wash my hair everyday
I always clean my house every weekend
I always go to the gym during the week
I always fuss over a layout after it's finished

Kelli said...

I always cry when I watch Grey's Anatomy.
I always think spiders are watching me.
I always spend more time than I plan to on the computer.

mariek said...

I always spend too much time reading blogs in the morning!

I always check if I have my keys when I leave the house.

I always shop for craft/ scrap supplies even though I've planned not too!

Allison said...

i always put of my homework until the last minute
i always drink dr. pepper
i always visit about 25 blogs a day
i always watch cardinals baseball religiously every season
i always go to sleep cuddling our dog
i always have my toenails painted

miche said...

I always: wish I was a Rock Star
I always: wiggle all my toes the minute I wake up.
I always: listen to music to wake up and start my day.

I cant wait to see what you girls have put together on this site!

Anonymous said...

I always go through two colors of paint before finding the one I love to paint a room.
I always have diet coke each and every day.
I always make sure that I say I love you when ending a call with a loved one.

Anonymous said...

i always have a messy scraproom

i always at my daughter when she`s sleeping

i always check everyday the scrapblogs

i always love to see scrapitems

lots of love Roos
from holland

Tineke said...

I always call my grandson to kiss him good night.
I always scrap every day.
I always read my fav. blogs in the morning over a cup of coffee.

Good luck on the Design Team!!


Rebekah said...

i always spend too much time on the computer.
i always procrastinate.
i always laugh with my friends.

Anonymous said...

I always drink hot tea once a day.
I always daydream.
I always wash my face before bed.
I always live like there might not be tomorrow.

ikkinlala said...

I always procrastinate about homework.
I always eat breakfast.
I always enjoy sleeping in.

Anonymous said...

I always check at my boy before I go to sleep
I always make some coffee, and then zap some blogs
I always sing when I am happy

I am so curious at SIS!! I can hardly wait...

Anonymous said...

I always have tea with my breakfast

I always scrap when my kids are in bed

I always wear glasses

I always worry about my kids when I am away

and I always say "I Love you" to my Dh when he leaves for work.

Good luck tomorrow! you ladies are going to rock :-)

Jen from BC Canada

AnnaB said...

I always start the day with lots of black coffee.

I always spend to much time in front of the computer.

I always have a very messy scraproom.

I'm really looking forward to the launch of the SIS TV site!

Linda said...

I always bump my dh when he snores.
I always check the locks before I go to bed.
I always stay up until my daughter gets home.
I always scrap on the weekends.
I always worry about everything!

Deanna G. said...

i always come to your blog for friday finds episodes :)

i always think abt that day we had lunch together and chatted abt scrappy famousness and am so proud of and happy for you mR :)

happy monday.

Anonymous said...

I always put lipstick before I step out the door.
I always like to eat something sweet after a big meal.
I always give away the cards that I make (it pains me to write inside them).
I always tell my kids everyday that i love them.

Kristi said...

I always spend way too much time on the computer!!

Anonymous said...

I always scrapbook on the floor at home
I always say I love you to family when they leave
I always listen to music way to loud in my car (so I sound good when I sing)
I always check out local blogs everyday

Anonymous said...

I always have a scrap disaster. I always put off cleaning the bathrooms.

Anonymous said...

i always kiss my hubby 5 times...

i always worry...

i always do the dishes before i go to bed...

i always buy too much scrap stuff!

Anonymous said...

I always read blogs

I always like to win!

Anonymous said...

I always leave laundry in the basket until it's almost used up and there's only a little left to fold!
I always buy stuff that I know won't fit me and then have to return it.
I always worry too much about the people I love.
I always like to check out new reality TV shows even though I watch too many already!

Alison said...

I am always anxious.
I always hate cleaning up after dinner.
I always wish I were healthier.
I always say I love you when my husband says I love you not I love you TOO.

Anonymous said...

I always use computer journaling on my layouts
I always straighten my hair with a GHD straightener (and sometimes iron my kids clothes with it)
I always say my prayers at night
I always kiss my kids before I go to bed (and always do it VERY quietly.....waking kids in the wee hours of the morning...NOT a good thing)

J Lizzie said...

i always watch grey's!
i always do my best scrapping at night.
i always buy new "school clothes" in aug. (whether i'm a student, teacher, or nothing related to a school at all!)

can't wait for the 15th!

.:liza:. said...

I always lose track of my adhesive & scissors while scrapping.

I always say I love you before I hang up the phone with my mom.

I always fight back tears when my daughter says 'I love you more'.

Cristy_lee said...

I always sing my son to sleep.
I always watch Jericho on Wednesday's.
I take my shoes and socks off when I get in the house.

MaraMay said...

HaHa This is cool!!!

1. Wear Makeup

2. Eat dessert

3. Want to Scrapbook

4. Want to more hours in the day

5. Need to sleep in. LOL

Anonymous said...

I always worry about everything, including that I worry too much!

I always kiss my kids at least 50x a day!

I always take pictures.

Sam said...

I always take a shower in the morning before I can scrapbook.

Not sure why?

Anonymous said...

i always read blogs.
i always make my bed.
i always am on time.
i always eat the same thing at my favorite restaurant.

Anonymous said...

I always need something sweet after dinner..
I always need my little sister when I'm hurt..
I always talk to my cats
I always drink cola light

Good luck tomorow, I can't whait!!

Unknown said...

I always look for the good in people.

I always have some sort of lip product with me.

I always amaze myself with how strong I can be.

I always eat chips and queso when offered.

I always read your blog and smile.

... thanks for being there for me. love ya.

Anonymous said...

I always think about scrapping while I should be working
I always read more than one book at a time
I always make lists in the hope it'll make me more productive
I always have at least one thing I don't check off my to-do list

Anonymous said...

i always order a supersonic cheeseburger well done with mayo, tatertots and a coconut creme pie shake when i go to to SONIC...can we say 10,000 calories??

Anonymous said...

I always am fashionably late on appointments.
I always start my day with turning on the computer.
I always stay up way too late.

Cheryl said...

I always drink tea in the morning.
I always crave Pepsi.
I always spend longer on the computer than I intend to.

Anonymous said...

I always watch Smallville.
I always scrap late at night.
I always enjoy a fall day in the Pacific Northwest

Anonymous said...

I always hug my kisd and tell them I love them every day, even though they are in their 20's.

Anonymous said...

I always clean my scrap space when I'm through.

ajadarak said...

i always sleep with my feet out of the covers
i always wear my seabelt
i always arrive 5-10min late

Lslouka said...

I always arrive early
I always drink Diet Coke
I always love to get the mail
I always read blogs daily
I always love to check out new fabric
I always cringe when people crack their knuckles

Unknown said...

I always kiss my husband before I go to work.
I always wash my face at night.
I always enjoy taking photos.
I always chose chocolate over salty snacks!

Katja said...

I always have to rush to get anywhere
I always take too long in the shower
I always annoy my husband and sister with my bad habits & superstitions
I always see the best in people (even if they don't deserve it)
I always stay up far too late (then regret it the next day.....but do it again!!)

katja x

Anonymous said...

i always run late
i always watch american idol
i always procrastinate

girlosun_9 said...

I always clean the house when I get home from work.

I always wish I could sleep in.

I always worry about stuff.

I always am an overachiever.

Anonymous said...

brush my teeth after I eat.

Anonymous said...

I always wear lipstick or lip gloss

I always take a shower (never a bath)

I always miss my family

I always wish I could scrapbook more.

madretz said...

so fun!
I always get on the computer, first thing in the morning.
I'm always browsing for inspiration.
I always have a messy desk.

Amy Nabors said...

I always clean up my scrap area after every page, project, card, etc...
I always check my e-mail first thing in the morning.

Lynn said...

*I always tell my sons to, "have a great day" before school (they THINK they are too old for kisses)
*I always tell my husband, "I love you" before bedtime and before leaving for work
*I always drink coffee as soon as I wake up
*I always spend way too much time on this computer!

Good luck with SIS!

Candy said...

I always check on my girls before I go to bed at night.

I always stay up too late.

I always check my email first thing in the morning.

R. Dorrian6 said...

I always stay up way too late.
I always procrastinate.
I always kiss my kids goodnight.
I always make sure we eat dinner together as a family.
I always do all the dishes before I go to bed.
Renee D. in FL

Anonymous said...

I always tell my family I love them everyday!

I always worry about things that I have no control over!

I always want more scrapbook supplies!

I always think about what the future holds for me!

Anonymous said...

woohoo! over 100 comments! i always kiss my kids everyday!

Anonymous said...

I always put chapstick on before going to bed
I always start my day with a 1 Equal Latte made at home
I always put away my scrappin' supplies
I always walk down to the mailbox to pick up that day's mail

Anonymous said...

I always clean off my scrap desk when finished with a project - now I won't say how long a project stays on my desk.

Christine said...

I always think of my father right before I drift off and as soon as I open my eyes. (He has recently passed)

nicole said...

I always drink a Dr. Pepper when my kids nap.
I always have two cups of coffee in the morning.
I always read my kids two books at night.
I always have a pile of photos to scrap.

The rak looks awesome!!

AJ said...

I always tuck my kids in at night.

I always check my email first thing in the morning.

I always drink my coffee flavored, sweet, and on the cool side.

Veronica said...

hey girlie!

I always...kiss hubby goodnight nad morning
I always kiss my baby 1 million times a day....
I always drink stabuks tea while I scrap
I always say a prayer before I sleep.

Anonymous said...

I always get impatient when I make a big purchase.

I always eat more dessert than I should.

I always make a bigger mess to clean my scraproom.

I always put my right shoe on first.

Rachel said...

I always have a diet coke for breakfast!!!

Anonymous said...

i always thank God for the blessings in my life.

i always tell my husband *i love you* everytime he leaves for work.

i always say good morning to my kids.

congrats on a new beginning. good luck!

Anonymous said...

Wohooooo How Cool is that!

margie r

K :) said...

I ALWAYS take a shower every day in the morning.

Excited about SIS!!!

Anonymous said...

I always spend too much time on the computer!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the site! Can't wait to play!

I always have a headache (yuck).
I always have to check if I locked the van door.
I always have coffee in the morning.

Sara (Tinkles at 2Ps)

Anonymous said...

i always eat cereal for breakfast.
i always give my son tons of kisses before bed.
i always check my e-mail first thing in the morning.

Anonymous said...

I always have a messy everything, including crafting area!
I always worry about things I shouldn't.
I always spend too much time reading blogs - not!
I always love learning new stuff for my camera!!

Anonymous said...

I always have several projects going at the same time.
I always have a messy studio.
I always dread Mondays.
I always spend way too much time on the computer.

jewell said...

I always wish I could scrap more
I always tell my kids I love them before they go to school
I always check my email everyday

Anonymous said...

I always kiss my little angel tons in the morning before I leave for work.

Dana Johnson

Anonymous said...

I always stay up too late.
I always drink Dr Pepper instead of coffee for breakfast.
I always pack my DD lunch.

Susan E in VA

Anonymous said...

I always check my email.

I always watch Dancing with the Stars online.

I always use patterned paper on my layouts.

I always put my phone on vibrate when I'm at work.

I always love RAKs!


Kia Gregory said...

I always eat dessert.
I always say I'm going to the gym but never make it there.
I always let my girls sleep with me when DH is gone.
I always listen to KLOVE in the morning.

laura D said...

I always have a cup of coffee in the morning and read the paper
I (also)always have a messy scrap room
I always am the picture taker
I love Rak's
laura P

~ alli ~ said...

i always want more chipboard.
i always drool over ribbon.
i always want to win contests.
i always start my day with a diet mountain dew.

Thanks for promoting your new site in such a fun and generous way! I'll be sure to check it out tomorrow.

Anna M said...

Hello! Looking forward to seeing all the amazing contributions from this pool of talent!

I always drink martinis.
I always wake up late.
I always kiss my husband good night.
I always say "I love you" to my friends and family before I get off the phone with them.
I always buy too much patterned paper!

Anonymous said...

I always wait until last minute when I don't want to do something.
I always love cooking something new.
I always love a good challenge to get me going!

Anonymous said...

I always put everything off to the last minute.
I always keep things a mess although I secretly want to be a neat freak - Maybe in another life.
I always over shop at scrap stores.

Maria Y.

Kim said...

I always forget something.
I always try to remember the good in everything.
I always want the latest.
I always want to create more.

Jennifer said...

i always make a mess when I scrapbook...
i always care what others think of me ...
i always procrastinate!

Anonymous said...

I always stay up entirely too late checking out blogs!! Can't *wait* to see SISTV! Thanks!

terry in ks

CrazyOnU said...

I always tell my kids I love them when we are parting.

Michelle Sanders said...

I too always kiss my husband good bye in the a.m. and good night in before bed.

I always scrap weekly and most of the time daily.

I always set goals for myself.

metrochic said...

i always kiss my husband before bed.

i always tell my daughter i love her.

i always spend money on magazines when i totally shouldn't.

i always wear makeup, even when i'm not dressed up.

thanks for doing this! fun! can't wait for tomorrow!

Raquel said...

I always kiss my hubby goodnite.
I always save my scraps of cardstock.
I always have a cup of tea in the morning.
I always check my email before breakfast and going to bed.

Anonymous said...

Yay - can't wait for SIS!

I always have something sweet after dinner...
I always get on the computer before anything else...
I always stay up WAY too late.

Michelle said...

Congrats on SIS!!

I always do laundry only when I've run out of underwear!

I always turn the computer first when I get home from work.

I always need a cup of coffee when i get up in the morning.

I always stay up on Friday nights to scrap.

I always do my CJ entries right at the very last minute - the pressure helps! :D

Anonymous said...

I always do the dishes before I got to bed.
I always lock the door to my house.
I always carry two forms of payment when I go out.
I always dry off the same way when I get out of the shower.
I always kiss my girls good night.


JoAnn V. ( said...

I always say a small prayer before I start the car to drive.
I always sleep on the left side of the bed.
I always scrap on a messy table.
I'm always on the lookout for good reality TV.

Can't wait for SIStv! :)

Anonymous said...

i always have a mcdonald's coke (its an obsession!)
i always stress over everything
i always spoil my son

melita said...

I always carry a notebook with me so when inspiration hits, I can record it so I won't forget!

Anonymous said...

There's lots of things I always do, even if I shouldnt
There are lots of things I have tried to do, even when I couldnt
I always try to accentuate the positive
I always try to learn a new word each day
I always give my daughter unconditional love

Anonymous said...

I always look for my son when something's broken! hehee

I always worry abt the slightest thing and stress myself unnecessarily.

I always go into my bedroom and get sidetracked doing something else!

I always zoom into the LSS nowadays instead of where ever it is I was supposed to be at in the 1st plc!! :D

Ratna M.

עידן said...

I always looking for inspiration.

Unknown said...

I always stress about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!!!

Kath W said...

I always have coffee in the morning
I always check out my fav bloggers
I always wear matching undies : )
I always make it more difficult than it needs to be
I always am on time

sheetal patel said...

i always drink tea in the morning
i always tell my husband i love him
i always have candy on hand!

Chelle said...

I always *from my son of my lap* stay on the computer

I always thought I would have 6 kids. Well 3 is good

I always tell my children I love them everyday

jess said...

How exciting!! I cant wait for the RAK to be announced!!

I always send my mum a text message after i've been on a long drive.
I always need to put conditioner in my hair when im washing it.
I always switch my computer on as the 1st thing i do in the morning!!

Xx Jess

Amy said...

I always get distracted by fun scrapping blogs!

I always drink chocolate milk in the morning.

I always watch the people's court at lunch time!

Ania said...

Very funny! :)
I always hold my breath when there's any diving or fire on TV.
I always check my email & forums first thing in the morning.
I always blow kisses to my kids when delivering them to the kindergarten

Anonymous said...

I always have a latte each morning served by one of my awesome daughters.

Unknown said...

I always buy crave sweets,
I always check on my kids sleeping before i go to bed,
I always love new scrap supplies!

lalscrap said...

i always put house cleaning off as long as possible.

Breanne Crawford said...

holy heck you have a lot of comments

i just wanted to say love the new banner ;)

L. said...

I always carry my camera.

I always drink coffee before going to sleep.

I always plan my grocery shopping in advance..

Congrats on SIS!!!