Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It was one of those rare times.

Like once in a 5 year span rarities.
I wanted to take Anthony to do something he had yet to try. (nearly impossible)
Something I could teach him. (who am I kidding)
Indoor climbing it was.
If you have not tried this sport yet, I really encourage you to give it a whirl.
It's so exhilarating and the sense of accomplishment you feel after reaching the top is indescribable.
Just Google indoor climbing gym in your city.
So mission accomplished for a wonderful date night for us.


Mandi Johnson said...

dude, we have this huge rock climbing wall at the rec center on campus, and I've never done it. Must do before i graduate!

Jamie Ko said...

I actually took a quarter of rock climbing in college. it was one of those things my roommates and I wanted to do together.

so glad the two of you had a great time!