we'll welcome to 2006 for us.
we are not the ones to run out and buy new things, especially big things, but with the opening of Costco and a coupon ANthony could not resist.
This mack daddy tv is quite the treat for him. Its been 12 years since he bought a new tv so he figured it was time to upgrade. Having HD (high definition) on a flat panel is beyond words.
especially for the kids while watching Dora the Explorer...dang.
I was never so spoiled as a kid. But i guess its a family spoil so we are all lucky.
WAtching football on it last night was crazy!!! you can see every detail, including sweat and other delightful things you'd rather not.
Maybe it was good tv juju i had, because i won again this week in Fantasy football.
I am the only girl in the league, so i really love when i win. and there is money at stake so thats a plus for my competitive spirit.
**not to mention I got my first Circle Journal in the mail from Heidi and WOW.
i had seen pics of it on your blog girl, but it blew me away in real life.
love it so and hope to work on my entry tonight. yipee!!!