My email is my hemorrhoid of sorts to keep in contact with my husband over these 7 months.
Being computer less for nearly 2 weeks is going to be rough.
But in a romantical way, writing letters like people used to is going to a nice change of pace.
A letter a day while we are traveling is my goal.
or maybe postcards.
Below is a quick email before we head out.
I have yet again stayed up way too late, but I am really off to bed now.
Just getting together last minute stuff and triple checking everything.
With snack bags of cereal and fruit we will be off hopefully around 8am.
That's the goal anyway.
I love you honey!!!
Can't wait to share all the pictures I take along the way with you when we get back home.
I'll try and touch base with you in the morn.
coffee in hand and kids in tow.
night night
Being computer less for nearly 2 weeks is going to be rough.
But in a romantical way, writing letters like people used to is going to a nice change of pace.
A letter a day while we are traveling is my goal.
or maybe postcards.
Below is a quick email before we head out.
I have yet again stayed up way too late, but I am really off to bed now.
Just getting together last minute stuff and triple checking everything.
With snack bags of cereal and fruit we will be off hopefully around 8am.
That's the goal anyway.
I love you honey!!!
Can't wait to share all the pictures I take along the way with you when we get back home.
I'll try and touch base with you in the morn.
coffee in hand and kids in tow.
night night
Adventure, here we come.
Hopefully a little scrappin' , nature walking, picture taking,
family chatting, wine drinking, and potty training will take place too.
Just to name a few highlights.
Hopefully a little scrappin' , nature walking, picture taking,
family chatting, wine drinking, and potty training will take place too.
Just to name a few highlights.