so yeah..this rang so true to me.
like church bells people!
anthony is clutter 1
me, clutter 2
seriously need to go through and declutter a bit now.
pre season Spring cleaning if you will.
* and have to add its my first entry into my Learn journal that i made awhile back. I have been keeping it clean...hoarding i suppose. again...I am a memory clutterer.
goal= to work on this.
oh yeah the clutter. good luck with that. LOL
have a blessed thursday
i like my own clutter.
on the other hand, other people's clutter drives me nuts. (like, OCD nuts)
I have just the plain old "our apartment is too small and we want to buy a house one day where I can keep all my scrap crap can't I just have a little office to myself, GAH" clutter.
But I love the anchor analogy. I will think of that next time I hoard my Heidi Swapp. Let it go... so we can stay afloat creatively and physically!!
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